Well hey there! How is everyone?! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Heck! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving too - cuz I'm pretty sure that's how long it's been since I"ve posted on here! I'm WAY better at posting to Instagram these days - so if you want to stay in my loop - that's your best bet!
If you have been following along on social media, you might have noticed that I've been streaking lately! No - not naked across a football field - but run-streaking from Thanksgiving Day to New Years Day... 39 days of awesome!!!!!
If you have been following along on social media, you might have noticed that I've been streaking lately! No - not naked across a football field - but run-streaking from Thanksgiving Day to New Years Day... 39 days of awesome!!!!!
I'm in my final week so I thought I would reflect a little bit and share how it's been going, and why I TOTALLY recommend trying it sometime!
For me, I committed to the run streak because I need to get some consistency back in my running life. I wasn't training for a specific race, I'm trying to get back into shape after baby #2, and I just needed something to work for. And that's exactly what it has done for me. I have loved running each and every day! I've run with both kids, each kid individually, on my own, with my dog, and even with a couple friend! It's been so fun to share it with so many people I love, and to experience the real joy of running again!
If you've ever thought about committing to a run streak, let me give you my 3 reasons that I think you should give it a go:
1. It's a short, daily commitment. You're only committing to run 1 mile a day. You can run more, of course, but you don't have to. Now, we all run at different paces, but we're looking at around 10 minutes a day. We can all find 10 minutes to devote to something awesome.
2. It helps you build a habit. I've NEVER run consecutive days in my life. I've trained for 10K's and half marathons but I would rarely run more than 2 days in a row. When I'm NOT training for something specific, it makes it really easy to get off track and all of a sudden it's been a week since I've got for a run. It takes 21 days to create a habit and that's exactly what this run streak did for me. It's become second nature to wake up and go out for a run. Now, I don't see myself continuing this run streak forever (although my obsessive compulsive personality is tempting me to...), I do think I'll be able to carry on the habit of getting active for at least 10 minutes a day. If you're needing to get back on track in your fitness, this is a great way to do it.
3. It can easily complement your other workouts. Doing a run streak doesn't have to alter your other workout plans. Some days all I did was run a mile. But other days it was the warm-up for a strength workout, or a second workout after going to my class. Whatever you like to do in addition to running - you can still do it!
And a bonus perk (because who can stop at 3?!) - I love having something to be accountable to. I don't know about you, but when I commit to something like this, it makes it non-negotiable. There has never been a doubt in my mind that I would complete this run streak. With the help of social media (#rwrunstreak) I have that extra motivation to get my run done each day!
1. It's a short, daily commitment. You're only committing to run 1 mile a day. You can run more, of course, but you don't have to. Now, we all run at different paces, but we're looking at around 10 minutes a day. We can all find 10 minutes to devote to something awesome.
2. It helps you build a habit. I've NEVER run consecutive days in my life. I've trained for 10K's and half marathons but I would rarely run more than 2 days in a row. When I'm NOT training for something specific, it makes it really easy to get off track and all of a sudden it's been a week since I've got for a run. It takes 21 days to create a habit and that's exactly what this run streak did for me. It's become second nature to wake up and go out for a run. Now, I don't see myself continuing this run streak forever (although my obsessive compulsive personality is tempting me to...), I do think I'll be able to carry on the habit of getting active for at least 10 minutes a day. If you're needing to get back on track in your fitness, this is a great way to do it.
3. It can easily complement your other workouts. Doing a run streak doesn't have to alter your other workout plans. Some days all I did was run a mile. But other days it was the warm-up for a strength workout, or a second workout after going to my class. Whatever you like to do in addition to running - you can still do it!
And a bonus perk (because who can stop at 3?!) - I love having something to be accountable to. I don't know about you, but when I commit to something like this, it makes it non-negotiable. There has never been a doubt in my mind that I would complete this run streak. With the help of social media (#rwrunstreak) I have that extra motivation to get my run done each day!
My only complaint about this run streak (and really, it's my own fault....) is that because I often only did a 1 mile run, it was hard to get in a good running groove. I've yet to really up my mileage since having my baby, and as anyone who's run before knows, the first mile always kinda sucks. I miss that feeling of doing longer runs. I could have done them, but with my schedule and current fitness level, I feel like doing 1-2 miles a day was best for me at this point. I'm excited to start doing longer runs in the new year!
Another fun thing that this run streak has led to is sharing about how I use essential oils as a runner on Instagram. I'll try to compile it all into a blog post sometime, but if you're interested in checking it out, just head over to my Instagram! I'm @homefield_essentials
Want to try run streaking yourself sometime? Runners World hosts a #rwrunstreak every year from Thanksgiving to New Years, and I believe they have a summer version as well! But you don't need to wait for Runners World if you don't want to - pick a goal and start going for it! Need someone to keep you accountable? Hashtag #homefieldstreaking on IG and I'll be sure to cheer you on!!