So excited to share these top 3 Mommy & Me moves with you today!
The perfect way to workout with your little one for Valentine's Day!
The perfect way to workout with your little one for Valentine's Day!
Is fitness a love language? If it is - I think it's' mine.
If I love you - I will probably want to exercise with you. And if you really want to make my heart sing, take me for a run or on some active adventure. Is that weird?!
One of the first ways I really bonded with my first baby when she was born was to incorporate her into my daily workouts. Not only was it good for this mama's weight loss and mental state - but it was fun to share something I LOVED so much with the little one I LOVED the most! These mommy and me workouts continued when we added kiddo #2 to the mix!
As they've gotten older, the girls have been the recipients of THOUSANDS of pushup kisses, have ridden for hundreds of miles in our BOB stroller and have been my almost constant companions for all sorts of workouts! I love that they are growing up seeing that fitness is fun, and something that is just an every day thing in our family. Now days, I will catch them adding their own "workouts" to our neighborhood walks, outdoor play and I've even caught my oldest doing yoga during her rest time.
I'm throwing it back today with some old pictures - but the moves are just as effective as when I originally posted them! Here are 3 of our all time FAVORITE mama-and-me workout moves that will get you stronger and your kids will LOVE! You can add these into your day (perfect for a little extra something while you're playing on the floor!) or make a full circuit out of these (Try 15 of each, 3-4x through!).
If I love you - I will probably want to exercise with you. And if you really want to make my heart sing, take me for a run or on some active adventure. Is that weird?!
One of the first ways I really bonded with my first baby when she was born was to incorporate her into my daily workouts. Not only was it good for this mama's weight loss and mental state - but it was fun to share something I LOVED so much with the little one I LOVED the most! These mommy and me workouts continued when we added kiddo #2 to the mix!
As they've gotten older, the girls have been the recipients of THOUSANDS of pushup kisses, have ridden for hundreds of miles in our BOB stroller and have been my almost constant companions for all sorts of workouts! I love that they are growing up seeing that fitness is fun, and something that is just an every day thing in our family. Now days, I will catch them adding their own "workouts" to our neighborhood walks, outdoor play and I've even caught my oldest doing yoga during her rest time.
I'm throwing it back today with some old pictures - but the moves are just as effective as when I originally posted them! Here are 3 of our all time FAVORITE mama-and-me workout moves that will get you stronger and your kids will LOVE! You can add these into your day (perfect for a little extra something while you're playing on the floor!) or make a full circuit out of these (Try 15 of each, 3-4x through!).
Squeeze 'Em Squats
Option 1: When your kiddos are tiny - this chest to chest squat is best. You can hold them tight, or even use your front carrier for more support. As always with squats - remember to engage your abs, keep your chest up and sit your butt back, keeping your knees in line with your toes.
Option 2: As they get older, your little love might want to see what's going on around them, especially if you're working out with friends or in front of a mirror. Hold them facing out, supporting under their rear for this version!
Option 3: When they're even older - your kiddos will probably love THIS version of squats. Be sure they have good balance and you feel comfortable and safe holding them on your shoulders while you squat.
Option 2: As they get older, your little love might want to see what's going on around them, especially if you're working out with friends or in front of a mirror. Hold them facing out, supporting under their rear for this version!
Option 3: When they're even older - your kiddos will probably love THIS version of squats. Be sure they have good balance and you feel comfortable and safe holding them on your shoulders while you squat.
Push Up Kisses
Push up kisses were the very first exercise I did with Little M and she STILL laughs every time! 4 years later and it's still a family favorite. Lay your little one under your face/chest and complete your pushups from your knees or toes. Remember to keep a long, strong line with your body from your heels to your shoulders. Give that cutie a big ol' smackaroo every time you lower down!
When your littles are on the move - they seem to think push-up position equals moms-climbing-gym. If you feel comfortable, let them ride on your back while you complete your push-ups. Be sure that you can do these without sacrificing your form, or take it to your knees. We always practice our counting with push ups!!!
When your littles are on the move - they seem to think push-up position equals moms-climbing-gym. If you feel comfortable, let them ride on your back while you complete your push-ups. Be sure that you can do these without sacrificing your form, or take it to your knees. We always practice our counting with push ups!!!
Love You Forever Bridges
Not only are these bridges one of the best exercises for a post-partum mama, they are also really fun to do with your kids! For smaller kids, lean them back against your legs. Starting with your back to the ground, tilt your pelvis under then lift your hips up to make a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. With control, lower back to your starting position. My kiddos would always laugh so hard when I raised them up high!!
Want more simple, kid friendly workouts like this? Click Here!
Disclaimer: Although I am a certified Personal Fitness Trainer, you should consult a physician before starting any exercise program or diet. If you choose to do any workouts on this website, you do so at your own risk.