Ahhh! It's THAT time of year again and I FREAKING LOVE IT!!
Christmas threw up on our neighborhood this weekend and me and the girls are just soaking it all in. We get to go on "night-night walks" almost every evening these days, and now that there are houses covered in lights and lawns covered in inflatables (is this just a TX thing? I think yes?!) our walks are even more exciting! Even Miss H has joined in the "wow"s and the "oooohhh"s. It's adorable. Seeing Christmas through the eyes of little kids makes every single struggle of parenthood worth it. The other night, while I was laying with Miss M in bed, she turned to me and hugged me and said "Merry Christmas Mama..." (cue heart melting). I just love the spirit that it brings!!
Christmas threw up on our neighborhood this weekend and me and the girls are just soaking it all in. We get to go on "night-night walks" almost every evening these days, and now that there are houses covered in lights and lawns covered in inflatables (is this just a TX thing? I think yes?!) our walks are even more exciting! Even Miss H has joined in the "wow"s and the "oooohhh"s. It's adorable. Seeing Christmas through the eyes of little kids makes every single struggle of parenthood worth it. The other night, while I was laying with Miss M in bed, she turned to me and hugged me and said "Merry Christmas Mama..." (cue heart melting). I just love the spirit that it brings!!
This year I decided to combine my love of Christmas with my love of health and lead a "Holiday Fit Club"! It's been so fun working with some amazing women who have decided to make their health a priority over this busy season. While a large focus of our group is fitness and eating, I've also integrated some other healthy living tips. Many of the requests in my group were for tips on stress relief and staying healthy during these busy times. This time of year is TOUGH on our bodies! We are busier and usually have more stress, we typically consume more sugar, we're combating cold and flu season and we just generally put ourselves on the back burner.
So to help us all survive (and BE AWESOME) during this month of holiday fun, I put together a list of my favorite essential oils for the holidays.
{Learn more about essential oil basics and why I love doTERRA here!}
So to help us all survive (and BE AWESOME) during this month of holiday fun, I put together a list of my favorite essential oils for the holidays.
{Learn more about essential oil basics and why I love doTERRA here!}
6 Essential Oils to Make Your Holidays Awesome
Along with eating well and getting moving, I love the ways that essential oils can be integrated into the holidays for happier, healthier season.
DigestZen: This digestive blend is perfect for those days you eat too many Christmas cookies or go for too many rounds at Grandma's dinner table. A drop massaged around the belly button helps soothe all kinds of tummy discomfort. I like to keep this one diluted in a roller bottle (20 drops + fractionated coconut oil) for on the go tummy help!
Lavender: Perfect for calming the crazies while shopping, helping your overstimulated kids chill out, and helping your brain shut off for a good night's sleep. Lavender is perfect in the diffuser or applied topically! It's so gentle on the skin and so effective at calming!
Peppermint: I could tell you that peppermint is perfect for easing head tension or soothing an upset tummy, or opening airways when you've caught the crud or before a run...and that's all true! But we all know the best way to use peppermint at Christmas time is in your hot chocolate and mochas!! PRO TIP: I like to dip a toothpick in the peppermint bottle and then stir my drink with the toothpick. 1 drop is really powerful so this way you can get less than a drop.
OnGuard: It smells just like Christmas so you can ditch those toxin candles WHILE boosting your immunity! Put 3 drops in the diffuser to help clean the air and support healthy immune systems for everyone you're celebrating with! OnGuard is perfect for daily protection too - I like to apply a roller bottle of OnGuard onto our feet or spines each day during the holiday season. I also love taking OnGuard softgels for increased support! It's also delicious in a glass of hot water and honey.
Balance: This one is all about the stress relief! Balance is a powerful grounding blend that smells woodsy and delicious. It's one of our favorites to diffuse during stressful times (all day long with toddlers...) and I also like to use a diluted roller bottle on my neck, or a drop on my diffuser bracelet.
Holiday Joy & Holiday Peace: These 2 special holiday blends are AMAZING to diffuse to give your entire home a holiday scent without nasty chemicals! Holiday Joy smells like cinnamon and baking and Holiday Peace smells just like a Christmas tree!
DigestZen: This digestive blend is perfect for those days you eat too many Christmas cookies or go for too many rounds at Grandma's dinner table. A drop massaged around the belly button helps soothe all kinds of tummy discomfort. I like to keep this one diluted in a roller bottle (20 drops + fractionated coconut oil) for on the go tummy help!
Lavender: Perfect for calming the crazies while shopping, helping your overstimulated kids chill out, and helping your brain shut off for a good night's sleep. Lavender is perfect in the diffuser or applied topically! It's so gentle on the skin and so effective at calming!
Peppermint: I could tell you that peppermint is perfect for easing head tension or soothing an upset tummy, or opening airways when you've caught the crud or before a run...and that's all true! But we all know the best way to use peppermint at Christmas time is in your hot chocolate and mochas!! PRO TIP: I like to dip a toothpick in the peppermint bottle and then stir my drink with the toothpick. 1 drop is really powerful so this way you can get less than a drop.
OnGuard: It smells just like Christmas so you can ditch those toxin candles WHILE boosting your immunity! Put 3 drops in the diffuser to help clean the air and support healthy immune systems for everyone you're celebrating with! OnGuard is perfect for daily protection too - I like to apply a roller bottle of OnGuard onto our feet or spines each day during the holiday season. I also love taking OnGuard softgels for increased support! It's also delicious in a glass of hot water and honey.
Balance: This one is all about the stress relief! Balance is a powerful grounding blend that smells woodsy and delicious. It's one of our favorites to diffuse during stressful times (all day long with toddlers...) and I also like to use a diluted roller bottle on my neck, or a drop on my diffuser bracelet.
Holiday Joy & Holiday Peace: These 2 special holiday blends are AMAZING to diffuse to give your entire home a holiday scent without nasty chemicals! Holiday Joy smells like cinnamon and baking and Holiday Peace smells just like a Christmas tree!
Using more natural options in your home doesn't have to be complicated. I'd love to help you start! The holidays are the perfect time!
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