Who has heard of essential oils? Raise your hand!
They seem to be popping up everywhere lately (I supposed that's because they freakin' rock...but we'll talk more about that later!) and it seems like everyone has varying opinions about them. From what I've found - everyone sits somewhere on a spectrum of natural health. Some sit on one end where they believe that Doctors and modern medicine are the end-all-be-all. Way on the other end are the people who think that Doctors are evil and would never dream of taking anything that's not homemade, organic and natural. Then of course, there are lots of people who sit somewhere in the middle of the spectrum.
Me? I have definitely been closer to one end of the spectrum at one point of my life, but now as a fitness professional and health conscious fit mama, I find myself somewhere in the middle. I believe that modern medicine is a huge blessing to us and I'm so thankful to have access to some of the best health care in the world when absolutely necessary. However, after a childhood of antibiotics and adolescence of OTC pain meds for a gymnastics injury, I firmly believe that our society is incredibly over prescribed.
I love finding natural solutions to health issues that help my body heal itself. Thankfully, the earth provides us with some of the best remedies in plants!
That's why I've come to LOVE using essential oils. They have totally changed my family's life.
They seem to be popping up everywhere lately (I supposed that's because they freakin' rock...but we'll talk more about that later!) and it seems like everyone has varying opinions about them. From what I've found - everyone sits somewhere on a spectrum of natural health. Some sit on one end where they believe that Doctors and modern medicine are the end-all-be-all. Way on the other end are the people who think that Doctors are evil and would never dream of taking anything that's not homemade, organic and natural. Then of course, there are lots of people who sit somewhere in the middle of the spectrum.
Me? I have definitely been closer to one end of the spectrum at one point of my life, but now as a fitness professional and health conscious fit mama, I find myself somewhere in the middle. I believe that modern medicine is a huge blessing to us and I'm so thankful to have access to some of the best health care in the world when absolutely necessary. However, after a childhood of antibiotics and adolescence of OTC pain meds for a gymnastics injury, I firmly believe that our society is incredibly over prescribed.
I love finding natural solutions to health issues that help my body heal itself. Thankfully, the earth provides us with some of the best remedies in plants!
That's why I've come to LOVE using essential oils. They have totally changed my family's life.
I have found the best essential oils that my family uses and trusts every day. They are pure, potent and guess what - they work! If you want to find out more about how you can start using these oils too - email me here!
6 Things Fit Girls {like me!} Love About Essential Oils
1. You can have the POWER to be healthier or help your family be healthier in the palm of your hand. Basically, you can be super mom. Or super dad. Or super aunt. Or whoever you might be. And what fit girl doesn't like feeling like a super hero?
2. You can conquer numerous emotional issues naturally.. What if I said you could have more energy for your workouts, sleep and recover better, focus more, even become more passionate - all with essential oils?
3. Oils can make your home cleaner and more icky-bug-free! I don't know about you - but I ain't got no time for the crud!
4. You can save money on common household products by using oils instead. Less money at the drug store = more money for race registrations and neon workout tanks!
2. You can conquer numerous emotional issues naturally.. What if I said you could have more energy for your workouts, sleep and recover better, focus more, even become more passionate - all with essential oils?
3. Oils can make your home cleaner and more icky-bug-free! I don't know about you - but I ain't got no time for the crud!
4. You can save money on common household products by using oils instead. Less money at the drug store = more money for race registrations and neon workout tanks!
"Less $ at the drugstore = more $ for race registrations!"
5. You automatically join a community of people like you who value their body and health who are all pretty dang cool!
6. You can build an incredible business empowering others to live more naturally and fit!
6. You can build an incredible business empowering others to live more naturally and fit!
If you're ready to give essential oils a try, I'm happy to help you get started! Contact me for specials and current offers for my blog readers.