2. I have become really good at keeping in touch with friends! When moving is in the cards, you end up with friends all over the country. You leave friends and friends leave you. It also can be tough to make new friends where you're living, so I've found that keeping in touch with those special friends is really important, no matter how far away they live! Needless to say, I have lots of phone and skype "coffee dates"!!
3. I have my own "season". This is definitely looking different now that we've got a kiddo, but as weird as it sounds, I always get a little excited when our coach heads into the new season. Not only does that mean football games every weekend, but it also means it's me-time! I spent my first season as a football wife just waiting for my hubby to come home and I soon discovered that is not the way to spend 4 months a year! Now I use football season to get caught up on crafts and projects around the house, watch whatever I want to on TV and I always to try to take a trip out of town sometime during the season. My friends all know that I'm pretty much up for anything, anytime when it's football season!
4. My faith has grown. I've learned (and continue to learn!) to trust God with our future. The coaching world is full of unknowns and if I don't give God all the control I'll drive myself crazy! I've found some amazing devotionals by other coach's wives that really have helped me in times of stress!
5. I get to watch my husband do something that he absolutely loves! I have never met anyone so passionate about their profession as he is. The fact that he is able to impact so many young men while doing something he loves, it makes all of the stress worth it. Plus, when's the last time you went to watch your husband at work? It's kinda fun!
6. Being a part of an amazing, supportive community. In general, the coaching community is very welcoming. We are all in the same boat and athletic staff members have become some of our closest friends over the years! Even the community nationwide is amazing. I can always count on my fellow coach's wives to pray, listen and even share recipes when it's time to feed the football players!
7. I get an up front/backstage/all-access 'pass' to one of the greatest sports around! Let's be honest here...this girl likes to be "in the know". I love getting to know the players, hear about practice and be a part of something that so many people love but only can watch from the stands! We even get lucky sometimes and get to hang out on the field and travel with the team!