I've got some exciting news on the football family front! Our house is actually being built! It was hard to believe it for a while because of the rain delays, but we actually have a house with walls and a roof! It's hard not to be there to see the daily progress, but luckily my Coach has been getting over there most days and sends me updates. I've finished making all of my decisions about carpet, tile, granite, paint, etc and I'm SO RELIEVED. I have a whole new appreciation for interior decorators - and I now know why I am definitely NOT one. I just hope and pray my house looks decent and not like an 8 year old picked the countertops. It was extra tough to make these decisions from a distance, often with only iPhone pictures of samples! Eek!
Our back patio! The house has progressed since this picture - but I haven't gotten any new pictures! Some of our finishes. Granite countertop, gray subway tile backsplash, tile for kitchen floor. | Sample photo of our exterior brick My inspiration kitchen. Thanks Pinterest! |
Aside from house building progress, we've finally been able to move forward with our moving plans. We have a date set and my Dad will be driving me, Little M and Miss Oakley down to Texas. I am so grateful to have the extra help! I'm also going to get to stop and spend a little time with one of my closest friends who just had a baby, so we'll have some fun mama time together!
Throughout all of our house building excitement - I almost forgot that SPRING BALL was happening! This is the second year of spring ball that I have completely missed in Phil's coaching career due to moving. In some ways, it works out. They work long hours and are pretty exhausted - so I wouldn't have seen him much in the past month anyways. But I do really miss being able to watch the team practice and scrimmage in the spring! TAMUK had their spring game this past Saturday evening and my in-laws made the trip out to check out the town and the team. I'm so glad we had some family representing at the game and that they got to spend some time with The Coach. I'm so glad they captured this picture of my guy - coaching it up in his shorts and sandals! Thats My Love!!!
It feels so good to have some dates out ahead of us, and to know our family will be back together again soon! This transition time has been really hard. We have spent the last 3 months apart from The Coach, and things just aren't the same with phone calls and Skype. I hope that we never have to go through a transition this long again, but I know that the reality in this football life is that we might have to. I'm trying to stay positive and not think about the future, and try to just live in this moment now. I can't wait to cook our first dinner in our new kitchen as a family again!
I'm not going to lie, as much as I am THRILLED to be reunited with my husband and have our family back together again soon...the reality of leaving Colorado is starting to hit me pretty hard. Having my family be a part of Little M's first year of life has been absolutely amazing and I'm having a hard time thinking about our life so far away from them. And while I've lived coast to coast, I've spent the last 8 years in Colorado. This will always be my home, and I'm starting to realize how much I'm going to miss it. The bike and running trails, the mountains, the healthy food and restaurants, our amazing friends, my family, the sunshine, the snow...I'm going to miss it all. I've been looking into things near our new home to look forward to, as that always helps me make the transition a little easier. 30 minutes to the beach anyone!?!?!
how about you?
Have you ever built a house? How the heck did you make all of the decisions without losing your mind?
Any awesome "Must-Dos" for a family in South Texas?
Any awesome "Must-Dos" for a family in South Texas?
As a part of my monthly "football wife life" posts - I love to share some blog posts from my fellow football wife friends! These 2 were able to participate in spring ball more actively than I was, so here's an inside scoop!
Honey Pie Accessories: Spring Ball
Life as a Football Wife: Spring Game Weekend and How Grateful It Made Me
Honey Pie Accessories: Spring Ball
Life as a Football Wife: Spring Game Weekend and How Grateful It Made Me