I'm so thrilled to introduce you all to Sara today! She offered to guest post for me and I'm so happy to have her! Sara is a fellow coach's wife (baseball!) and mama of a sweet little girl. She loves fitness and just so happens to be my neighbor too! I sure hit the jackpot! As you all know, I've been teaching a "Moms in Motion" class for the past 2+ years. Sara and her little one were finally able to attend a class (she kicked some butt!!) and she asked to share a review!
I'm totally blushing at her positive remarks, but I really wanted to post it so that other potential mom-movers might read it and join us! Even if you're not nearby, I really encourage you to seek out fellow fit mamas for fitness classes - or even start one of your own! It's a great way to build a healthy community and set a great example for your littles!
I'm totally blushing at her positive remarks, but I really wanted to post it so that other potential mom-movers might read it and join us! Even if you're not nearby, I really encourage you to seek out fellow fit mamas for fitness classes - or even start one of your own! It's a great way to build a healthy community and set a great example for your littles!
Moms in Motion - class review
by Sara Middleton
As a new-ish mom with an even newer found love of fitness, one of my favorite things to do with my little one is find ways to incorporate her into my workout. I wish I could say it’s been a walk in the park (get it?), but it’s tough to find the time, I’m not experienced enough to really come up with my own workouts yet, and to be frank my daughter’s not quite old enough to really care. I so desperately want her to love being active like I do…think mom-and-me downward dog in matching print yoga pants (is this anyone’s real life?). But unfortunately right now our reality is more like me trying to do push-ups while she sits on my head and eats goldfish – the life!
When I finally had the chance to try out a “Moms in Motion” class hosted by personal trainer/super mom Alyssa (see also: friend, neighbor, fellow coach’s wife), I was thrilled to give it a shot! We got to spend part of our morning outdoors with friends and I got a workout in while my daughter had fun…a win-win! I put together a brief overview so that others interested would have an idea of what to expect. We will definitely be back and I hope that you can join sometime, too!
Who: Families! Mommas, kiddos – even Dads are welcome. In shape, out of shape, wearing a baby, carrying a baby (pregnancy goals!). We had infants in carriers and strollers up to a 5 year old who did every move of the workout with us!
When I finally had the chance to try out a “Moms in Motion” class hosted by personal trainer/super mom Alyssa (see also: friend, neighbor, fellow coach’s wife), I was thrilled to give it a shot! We got to spend part of our morning outdoors with friends and I got a workout in while my daughter had fun…a win-win! I put together a brief overview so that others interested would have an idea of what to expect. We will definitely be back and I hope that you can join sometime, too!
Who: Families! Mommas, kiddos – even Dads are welcome. In shape, out of shape, wearing a baby, carrying a baby (pregnancy goals!). We had infants in carriers and strollers up to a 5 year old who did every move of the workout with us!
What: A workout class, social hour and play date all thrown into one, for only $5 – can’t beat that! We started with a warm up and moved on to some football inspired moves in honor of Superbowl weekend. We did lots of fun cardio moves, relays and some body weight work. I was huffing and puffing and definitely feeling the burn in my legs and abs, so I was happy with the exercises! There were plenty of modifications for those just getting back into it, or with a baby attached to them. The kids could join in, too, or had their pick from plenty of fun equipment like balls and hula hoops to try out.
The workout ended with everyone following along with the moves from a children’s song – skipping, dancing, freezing, etc. In typical toddler fashion my daughter wanted nothing to do with this, but it looked like a blast from afar!
When: This particular class was on a Saturday morning (working moms rejoice!) and we met from 9:30am-10:30am. Most said this worked great for them – the babies slept and the older kids played. The in-betweeners like mine, who still need that morning nap, struggled a bit but still had fun and slept great afterwards! Here you can see me hiding/planking in the back with a grumpy toddler who refused to leave the puddle she was sitting in (shout out Pamper’s Baby Dry!).
When: This particular class was on a Saturday morning (working moms rejoice!) and we met from 9:30am-10:30am. Most said this worked great for them – the babies slept and the older kids played. The in-betweeners like mine, who still need that morning nap, struggled a bit but still had fun and slept great afterwards! Here you can see me hiding/planking in the back with a grumpy toddler who refused to leave the puddle she was sitting in (shout out Pamper’s Baby Dry!).
Classes are also available during the week. You can see a full schedule by joining the South Texas Moms in Motion Facebook group.
Where: We met at the tennis courts at a local city park. The joys of living in South Texas – we can enjoy the great outdoors in January! To be clear…we have to take advantage while we can before we all melt into the pavement come August. This spot was really great because it was a huge, wide open space, surrounded by a high fence to keep the little ones corralled but still have room to run around. It also gave us room for all. the. lunges. Check out the momma on the end carrying that extra 25 lb. weight!
Where: We met at the tennis courts at a local city park. The joys of living in South Texas – we can enjoy the great outdoors in January! To be clear…we have to take advantage while we can before we all melt into the pavement come August. This spot was really great because it was a huge, wide open space, surrounded by a high fence to keep the little ones corralled but still have room to run around. It also gave us room for all. the. lunges. Check out the momma on the end carrying that extra 25 lb. weight!
Why: Easy! Alyssa put it best: “It's so awesome when moms come together with other moms and their kids to have fun, work hard and share our love of fitness!” Awesome and IMPORTANT! In a smaller community like ours, opportunities like this can be few and far between – I am so thankful Alyssa took the initiative to get something like this started and hope others will take advantage so we can grow a community of strong families together!
Sara, Thanks again for joining me here on the Home Field today!
You can follow Sara's adventures on Instagram @Team.Midd
You can follow Sara's adventures on Instagram @Team.Midd