Well Hello 2015...you sure did sneak up on me!! Happy New Year everyone! I know I've been a little MIA lately. I've been busy hanging out with my family back home, playing in the snow, eating caramel corn and doing lots of Core Power Yoga. It's been pretty dang awesome.
Yesterday, on New Years Eve, my hubby and I started a new tradition that I really loved. We took the baby on a coffee date (aka - a car ride to Starbucks so she would take a nap at least once that day) and sat down and talked about 2015. We set goals for our family, for our financial future and of course for our fitness. It was so good to be able to take an hour or so with the hubs to look at our future. I think it's so important that couples are on the same page. We made some goals individually and several together, but we both support each other on all of it!
I'm not a huge resolution-maker but I do have a goal of running 2 half marathons in 2015. It's been 2 years since I've completed one thanks to moving, injury and baby-having...so I'm due for a few good ones this year! I also have a goal to PR in one of them. I haven't decided which races yet, but I'll be sure to keep you posted on my training! As a Girls Gone Sporty Ambassador, I'm also really excited to embrace the hashtag #PYBCYE (Push Your Boundaries - Challenge Your Expectations). You can follow the hashtag on Instagram and Twitter - and you can use it too when you are pushing your limits! With that kind of mantra...who know what I will accomplish!
Another thing I am really excited about for 2015 is my "focus word". I got the idea from a fellow blogger to pick a word to focus on for the coming year. I've been praying and thinking about it a lot and "GRACE" is the word that keeps coming up. I want to keep this word the center of my focus in 2015...to be better at giving grace to others, as well as accepting God's grace for myself. Running more gracefully couldn't hurt either.
Miss Oakley was the honorary member of my family who participated in our midnight run this year. I was planning to go, but a fussy baby called for me to stay home. Although I was initially upset to miss the run, kisses from my one-and-only and a sweet, smiling baby at midnight made all of that disappear. And although running is an awesome way to start a year, being cuddled up with my family was even better.
Today also marks the start of a 31 day sugar detox. I knew I had to share about in on here because the fact that random other people know about it might make me actually stick to it. I've been eating WAY TOO MUCH sugar in the past few months and it's time to wrangle that back in. My hubby is on board too so wish us luck!
how about you?
Tell me about your 2015 goals!
What did you do as the clock hit midnight last night?
What did you do as the clock hit midnight last night?