We're back from a great week in Hawaii! It wasn't your typical Hawaiian vacation though...since my sister and brother-in-law live there, this was more like a family vacation that happened to include some awesome scenery! An exciting bonus - they just had their first baby, so I got to cuddle with my very first niece, and little M got to meet her cousin! Unfortunately, Little M got sick while we were there, so that made things a little more difficult. This was M's first cold so it's been challenging for both of us! It is so hard to see your little one not feel well!! Of course, now that we're home...I'm sick too! No fun!
While we were definitely in "baby-mode", we still had lots of opportunities to hang out on the beach, at the swimming pool, and soak in the sun. Oh and run! I had a couple really memorable runs I thought I would share with you guys today!
Our first weekend there, my dad and I did a 6 mile trail run on the course for the HURT 100. This trail was no joke my friends, but it was SO FUN! I would trail run ANY DAY over street or treadmill running. Things are just so much more interesting the time flies by! The trail basically runs through a jungle, and there were spots on the climb where you could look out and see the Pacific Ocean in the distance. It was incredible. I felt really strong on the climbs, but my ankles and general balance aren't accustomed to so much uneven ground! I was thankful to finish the run without face planting or rolling my ankle. I have MASSIVE respect for people who run the HURT100. When we finished, all I could think about was that they would have 94 (NINETY FOUR!!!) miles to go! Wowza. I'll take my 6 thank you.
I stayed on the Marine Corps base at my sister's house - so one of my runs was just around base, pushing the stroller. It was hot and sticky, but a good run all in all.
I also did a short beach run with my dad on Kailua Beach. This is one of my favorite beaches on Oahu, so I couldn't spend a day there without getting a little run in. We went barefoot and ran along the water's edge and it was awesome! I love the feeling of sand and water between my toes, and the added challenge of sand running!
My final run of vacation was actually a race! My first of 2015! My mom and I decided somewhat last minute to sign up for The Beast 10K Race on the Marine Corps Base. It was my mom's first 10K, and I thought it would be a good way to get back in racing mode before the Horsetooth Half next month. I think 10K is my favorite racing distance too...and it was a race in Hawaii!! I was a little nervous going in because I was already feeling a little under the weather but I just started out slow and steady. I have no idea my splits because my Garmin battery died before mile 2. Note to self: bring Garmin charger when you go on vacation. I think starting slow was key for me in this race...I steadily increased my speed and felt stronger and stronger as the race progressed. I get a little competitive when I get into a race, so I enjoyed setting my sights on the next person ahead of me and slowly gaining on them and then passing them. I definitely wasn't running very fast, but I'll admit, it was a little confidence booster when I would pass a Marine!!
There was a VERY STEEP hill towards the end of the race where I went into "Beast Mode" and powered up. I guess all of my hill training (and elevation training) is paying off! I'm feeling better and better about Horsetooth next month. Both my mom and I finished the race smiling so that is always the most important thing. A crazy thing about my finish...it was right at 8am, when they were raising the flag and everyone on base was standing at attention. It was silent when I crossed the finish line...it was really weird but kind of cool too!
I can't believe it, but I ended up with a 3rd place age group finish. I never place, so it was a fun surprise! I was just happy that I felt good throughout the race and got to see my mom finish too! She is a rockstar!
I took it easy on the rest of my workouts while I was there. I missed doing yoga, but I did do a little ocean kayaking (man, my arms need some strength work! I was dying!) and we did a short lighthouse hike with the whole family. I'm so thankful that my family is so active and that we can easily incorporate fun and exercise into our vacations! I also learned some new kick-ass workouts from my Marine brother-in-law...so be watching for a new Marine Corps Workout posted soon! If you can't wait, check out this one from my last trip to Hawaii.
Although running in Hawaii is nice, eating in Hawaii is even better. Some of my all-time favorites are Acai Bowls from Lanikai Juice, Shave Ice from The Local, Fish Bowls from Maui Tacos and of course, fresh sushi. I just wish I could eat like that all the time!
Now that we're back on the mainland, I'm focusing on getting us back to better health. I missed my first run this week, but I thought that rest would be more beneficial after a rough night on a red-eye. I traded it for a sunny walk with the dog and some yoga. I'm hoping I can get back on track with running in the next few days. I'm loading up on extra immune boosters and eating lots of yummy fruits and veggies! I've also been trying out some essentials for the first time too. I'm loving them so far! Send good vibes for me and the little one to be back to our healthy selves soon!
how about you?
Where is the coolest place you've ever run a race?
Any natural remedies to get over these nasty colds we're dealing with?
Any natural remedies to get over these nasty colds we're dealing with?