There is something about the start of November that makes my "I'm Crazy" flag fly high. I love, love, love the holidays but they definitely add an extra something to an already full to-do list!
Like clock-work, as soon as November rolled around, my poor hubby got to be the (un)lucky victim of my inevitable brain puke. I'm pretty sure in 5.6 minutes he heard about playoff games, bowl games, my boss, my mom, his lunch in the fridge, the rent that was due, the race I want to run, my ankle that hurts, the puppy's poop, the car that needs its oil changed, and wanting to move somewhere warm. And was asked about Saturday's team breakfast, when are we cutting down a Christmas tree, where are we going for our anniversary, what should we get our parents for Christmas, what is your recruiting schedule, when can we leave for Thanksgiving, when can you help bathe the dog, does this outfit look ok, and what do you want for dinner???
YIKES. Just writing that raises my blood pressure again.
Bless the man who married me.
Like clock-work, as soon as November rolled around, my poor hubby got to be the (un)lucky victim of my inevitable brain puke. I'm pretty sure in 5.6 minutes he heard about playoff games, bowl games, my boss, my mom, his lunch in the fridge, the rent that was due, the race I want to run, my ankle that hurts, the puppy's poop, the car that needs its oil changed, and wanting to move somewhere warm. And was asked about Saturday's team breakfast, when are we cutting down a Christmas tree, where are we going for our anniversary, what should we get our parents for Christmas, what is your recruiting schedule, when can we leave for Thanksgiving, when can you help bathe the dog, does this outfit look ok, and what do you want for dinner???
YIKES. Just writing that raises my blood pressure again.
Bless the man who married me.
In the midst of a swirling brain, I received two wake up calls. A Facebook post challenging us to "Take 60 seconds with no cell mental to do list you are behind on...just you and 60 uninterrupted seconds and contemplate how truly amazing life is" (thanks Jaron). Next was a guest blog post on one of my favorite blogs challenging readers to "think of a full life, as a lived life" (see the full post here). It's so easy for us Type A'ers to try to do do do and be be be and go go go. When what is really important is to be 100% here, right now. We all need these reminders, God knows I do!
What did I do first? I stepped outside. The beautiful Colorado sun is shining and the leaves are crunchy and gold. I stood there. No phone. Tried to forget about my list (somewhat successfully) and just listen to the wind, acknowledge the quiet, just be.
I felt a little better. I've still got a ways to go. But I've decided this. My goal for the next 2 months is to turn stressful season into Slow Down Season. I might not have control over football schedules or family holiday plans, but I can take a deep breath and enjoy each minute of it. I can swap some HIIT workouts for yoga. I can linger a few extra minutes over my morning coffee.
Are you ready for slow down season? Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for my #slowdownseason updates - the good and the bad! I'm sure I'll still have my moments of crazy!
What about you?
How do you handle football or holiday season stress?
Are you ready to SLOW DOWN this season?
Are you ready for slow down season? Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for my #slowdownseason updates - the good and the bad! I'm sure I'll still have my moments of crazy!
What about you?
How do you handle football or holiday season stress?
Are you ready to SLOW DOWN this season?