Having a baby is one of those times in your life where people find it very necessary to give you all kinds of advice. Now, I'm notorious for hearing all of this advice and not heeding it until I've learned the hard way. Looking back on my pregnancy and my first 2 months of mommy-hood, I thought I would share some of the advice that really was true! I dedicate this post to Michelle and Aubrey, and all of my other future-momma-friends.
Note: Every pregnancy, baby and momma is different. This is just what I discovered!
Note: Every pregnancy, baby and momma is different. This is just what I discovered!
Before we get into the TRUE stuff, I have to give my two cents about the one thing I didn't find to be true...
"GO TO BIRTHING CLASSES". Honestly, I don't think there is anything wrong with going to these classes and if you want to, by all means do it! But guess what?! Your baby WILL come out one way or another. There is no way you're going to know everything about labor/birthing/breast feeding/child rearing before you head to the hospital. You just won't. But don't worry, if you skipped child birth class or only read the back of that birthing book, guess what? Those Drs and nurses deliver babies all the time and are pretty good at telling you what to do and when. Read and educate yourself as much as you would like, but don't beat yourself up if you spend your last kid free days reading The Hunger Games instead of baby books. Trust me, you won't be reading for pleasure anytime soon so enjoy it!
"GO TO BIRTHING CLASSES". Honestly, I don't think there is anything wrong with going to these classes and if you want to, by all means do it! But guess what?! Your baby WILL come out one way or another. There is no way you're going to know everything about labor/birthing/breast feeding/child rearing before you head to the hospital. You just won't. But don't worry, if you skipped child birth class or only read the back of that birthing book, guess what? Those Drs and nurses deliver babies all the time and are pretty good at telling you what to do and when. Read and educate yourself as much as you would like, but don't beat yourself up if you spend your last kid free days reading The Hunger Games instead of baby books. Trust me, you won't be reading for pleasure anytime soon so enjoy it!
Don't leave big decisions until the 3rd trimester. Seriously, my brain was incapable of making decisions in the 3rd trimester. In hind sight, I was pretty indecisive throughout the my whole pregnancy, but the end was the worst. I couldn't decide on what to have for lunch, let alone any decision of significance.
Do kegels. You really should DO ALL THE KEGELS. Amidst pregnancy brain overload, these kind of took the back burner for me. Like, when I would see it in my weekly pregnancy update email I would do 5 and then not think about it again until the next week. Let's just say laughing, sneezing and coughing may have been less traumatic if I had done a few more.
Bring some comfy things to the hospital. Having a baby is a messy, sweaty process. And you won't get to shower for some time afterwards! Take the advice of all the what-to-pack blogs and bring some comfy pants and a nursing tank. The moment I got out of that gown was the best ever. Oh and bring cozy socks! I read that somewhere and totally wouldn't have thought of it having a summer baby. I also brought my favorite bath products and lotion in travel containers which made my first shower extra nice!
Accept help. I can be super-independent and selfish sometimes, and I didn't think I would want much help when baby M first arrived. Boy, was I wrong! I had the unique situation of staying with my parents for 3 weeks post-baby and they were the best ever! I definitely think it played a big role in my quick recovery. Let people cook for you, let them hold your baby while you rest, let them run errands for you. This is your one free pass to act like a queen - live it up! Soon people will assume you've got it under control and stop offering.
Sleep when you can. Do this people. I had a hard time right away because I felt like there was so much to get done in the times she was asleep! This was one I learned the hard way. Now I've picked one nap a day to join Makena for and it's the best thing ever! Not only do I get some much needed rest, it's become a great cuddling/bonding time for us. Even Oakley loves nap time.That being said, what they don't tell you is that you can function quite decently on much less sleep than you ever dreamed possible. I was a solid 8 hr/night sleeper before I got pregnant. Between pregnancy pee breaks, general uncomfortableness and then newborn (non) sleep schedules, I am pretty stoked (and surprisingly energized) if I get 6-7 hours total.
It takes time to really get to know your baby. I didn't really understand this until a few weeks after M was born, and I felt like I finally was getting to know her! How could you not know this little human who you made and grew and birthed? Well, you don't totally and getting to know them is just another special part of this thing called parenthood. If some days you feel like you have a total stranger in your arms, relax. It's normal and you'll figure it out.
Buy nursing pads. For some reason I thought this was an optional item. Well they're not, so stock up! While we're on the subject, invest in some good nursing bras too. You're gonna live in these things until you stop breastfeeding. I know...not rocket science, but not something I really thought much about!
The #1 thing I heard from parents...
It goes so fast. Every person who has had a child has probably told you this and you probably brush it off as super sentimental. But really, it's true. Soak up every minute and look to each new stage as a fun adventure. Even when you're tempted to wish they would eat better/sleep longer/stop crying, just take a deep breath and give them a big kiss.
It goes so fast. Every person who has had a child has probably told you this and you probably brush it off as super sentimental. But really, it's true. Soak up every minute and look to each new stage as a fun adventure. Even when you're tempted to wish they would eat better/sleep longer/stop crying, just take a deep breath and give them a big kiss.
And finally...
You got this. I read this on another mommy blog just the other day. Even after 2 months it's what I needed to hear.
You got this. I read this on another mommy blog just the other day. Even after 2 months it's what I needed to hear.
how about you?
What's the best piece of advice you never listened to?