Whew! We did it. I unpacked the last of the boxes this week and we are really getting settled in our new beautiful home. Sorry about my blog-world absence...I've just had a million other things on my to-do list! The one post I've been really excited to write and share with y'all is this one. And I promise (really, I do) to get back on track with the blog soon!
It's no secret that my family has been in the process of moving for the past 6 months. We've lived at my parents house, the dorms, a friend's house and finally - our new house. This football life can be a real test of faith, relationships and patience sometimes, but I wouldn't trade our life for the world. Before we started the moving process I thought about how I should start writing everything down that we did, so that I didn't have to think so hard about it next time around. Did I do it? No. I started throwing our possessions into the nearest box/tote/trash bag, finished off our last few bottles of wine and went on our way. After going through this move (our first cross-country), I'm FINALLY going to do it - make the list. But if I've learned one thing in this move, it's that I sure can't do it alone. I'm no expert. So...football sista's to the rescue! I've compiled "The Football Wife's Ultimate Moving Tip List". This is truly stuff from the pros. Some of these women have moved 10+ times! I've added a few of my own tips too cuz I guess I have learned some tricks myself! I'll definitely be checking back on this next time I have to move...but let's hope it's not anytime soon!
Before You Leave . . .
- Pack one closet/room at a time and take your time if possible.
- Label your boxes with color coded tape - according the room it will go in your new house
- Purge as you go!
- Contact UHaul or other local moving companies to price out packing/loading/moving.
- Use styrofoam plates between dishes
- Use towels and blankets to help protect breakables
- Use a TV box for framed pictures with cardboard and bubble wrap in between them.
- Liquor stores have great boxes for glasses/kitchen stuff for free
- Save bubble wrap and good boxes from previous moves
- Wardrobe boxes are worth the buy!
- Write EVERYTHING that is inside the box on the outside
- Keep any irreplaceables/valuables with you - don't pack! Ex: photo albums, important documents, jewelry
- Keep a printer/scanner with you for new job paperwork before you get settled.
- Cancel utilities and double check for refundable deposits you can use towards your new home
- Forward your mail - change any auto-shipments. You can set up mail forwarding online now!
- If a car is included in your new compensation package, sell un-needed cars before you move.
- Use waterproof totes and protect your items in the truck/storage with tarps to avoid water damage.
- Tape your totes shut to prevent spilling.
- If you take anything apart, put the screws/hardware in a ziploc baggie and tape it to the item
- Pack anything you want quick access to when you get there in the drawers of your dressers.
- Plastic wrap around your drawers. This will keep them closed, keep contents safe if you keep them filled, and will protect the dresser. Don't use tape!
- Be ready before the move by holding annual garage sales or donating to shelters/women's closets, etc.
- When you make donations, itemize your deductions and take pictures - to help you with a tax write-off next year!
- Pack a bin with towels, sheets, soap, paper plates and utensils in the car. You never know when you'll need them.
- Label non-essentials "Garage" so as not to clutter the house right away. Go back and unpack those when you have time!
- When packing lamps, pack the bases together and then the shades in one place so they don't get smashed.
- Create lists and timelines to not miss anything.
- Keep toilet paper with you to have at your new house right away!
- Get a copy of medical records to bring to your new doctor.
- Cancel or transfer TV services before you leave.
- Contact your credit card companies to inform them of your move to prevent a mid-move card freeze!
- Plan ahead for your transition time. If you aren't going directly to your new home, be sure you have what you'll need for the short term.
- Use local college students (or Football Players) to help you move and load your truck. Pizza and cash is totally worth your time and back ache!
Once You're There . . .
- Hire a handyman! Find a local handyman you can trust with getting things set up in your new home. Most likely it won't be the last time you need him!
- Follow the 3 day rule...use every resource you have to get whatever you can unpacked in 3 days. After that, wait until you've lived in the house a while to do the rest.
- Get help unloading and bring your boxes directly into the rooms they belong in.
- Bring in 1-3 boxes at a time. Unload them, break them down, and get them out of the house. Then you won't be living in piles of boxes for days/weeks.
- Purge again! Anything you won't use in your new home can be a donation somewhere. Don't start with extra clutter!
- But on the other hand...keep everything! You never know when you might move again and that chair would work perfect in your new house!
- Contact local internet/cable companies for new sign-up deals
- Put your family pictures on the wall as soon as possible to make it feel like home
- Check into car registration/drivers license requirements for your new state.
- Update your billing address everywhere as well as shipping address if you use auto-shipments
- Make a list of everything you start up (utilities, cable, etc) so you can have an easy check list to cancel if you move again.
- Don't forget your pets! Get referrals for a new vet and be sure to get them registered, update their tags, etc.
- Get referrals for new local doctors, gyms, schools, dentist, and whatever other services you use.
- Connect with locals in groups like MOPS, church, fitness classes, the university, neighborhood to make new friends and get the inside scoop on things around town.
After compiling all of these tips I'm really regretting not asking these questions earlier! So many things I would have done differently!
Special thanks to my Football Wife Sisters!
Amanda Robinson Gilliland - University of West Alabama
Lauren Barela - University of the Incarnate Word - San Antonio
AnneMarie Sanford - University of Notre Dame
Tiffany Knauf - University of North Dakota
Theresa Lemke - Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Shannon Quinn - University Of Notre Dame
And so many more that shall remain unnamed. Your support and advice is so wonderful!
Amanda Robinson Gilliland - University of West Alabama
Lauren Barela - University of the Incarnate Word - San Antonio
AnneMarie Sanford - University of Notre Dame
Tiffany Knauf - University of North Dakota
Theresa Lemke - Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Shannon Quinn - University Of Notre Dame
And so many more that shall remain unnamed. Your support and advice is so wonderful!
how about you?
What's your best moving/packing tip?
Any "oops!" stories?
Any "oops!" stories?
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