As we are rolling right through our #StrollerStrong month and gearing up for the first ever #StrollerStrongVirtualRun - I am nothing less than THRILLED to be introducing you to today's running mom and her insanely amazing accomplishments. As you may have seen, we are talking ALL THINGS STROLLER RUNNING this month.
In case you missed them, you can catch up on previous posts! Read all about why our virtual run is made for moms, and last week's beautiful post from a newbie stroller runner here!
Be sure to subscribe to this blog (over there on the sidebar!) to get all of these posts straight into your inbox.
For now, get ready to be inspired by the beautiful, strong mama, Theresa Marie Pitts. Enjoy!
In case you missed them, you can catch up on previous posts! Read all about why our virtual run is made for moms, and last week's beautiful post from a newbie stroller runner here!
Be sure to subscribe to this blog (over there on the sidebar!) to get all of these posts straight into your inbox.
For now, get ready to be inspired by the beautiful, strong mama, Theresa Marie Pitts. Enjoy!
Theresa Marie Pitts (also known as "The Flying Mom") is a a 40 year old mother of eight children (with #9 on the way!). She and her husband and their family live in Kalispell, MT, a breathtakingly beautiful small, mountain town. Theresa is a full-time mother and homemaker, but also runs her own local catering business with her husband. She loves to volunteer in her local schools, at church and throughout the community. Not only is she a mom who likes to run with her kids, she just so happens to hold Guinness World Records for running the fastest half AND full marathon with a TRIPLE stroller. Yep, a triple stroller. She was so gracious to take the time to tell me her story and let me share this interview with all of you strong mamas as a part of our #StrollerStrong month! I hope you're as inspired as I am by this #StrollerStrong Mama!!
How long have you been running?
I've always been an outdoorsy person and enjoyed the occasional run but didn't really start running or training regularly until 2013 after my 6th child was born and was looking for a way to stay both physically and mentally healthy and well-balanced.
What records do you hold?
My little team (my three youngest children) and I are Guinness world record holders for running the fastest half marathon while pushing a triple stroller, and also for running the fastest (full) marathon while pushing a triple stroller--the first to ever to brave such an adventurous attempt! After the first two races we went out for a third triple run at the Billings, Montana race in order to help raise funds for the disaster relief efforts in 2017 and ended up breaking our previous half-marathon time by three minutes, so we have actually been awarded a total of three world records for our triple-stroller runs.
Did you run throughout your pregnancies?
I have always tried to maintain a strong and healthy body throughout each of my pregnancies, not just for myself but for the health of the baby. So, with each pregnancy I have continued to run and be active and exercise as my body would allow, along with eating healthy and nutritious foods. While the intensity of my workouts always tends to soften as the pregnancy progresses, it still feels great to move and get my heart pumping, even in the last trimester. I try to stay in tune with my body and if something ever feels like it's too much, I simply back off. During my pregnancies I find myself doing a lot of cross-training (which usually still includes my children!), such as walking, biking, swimming, hiking, dancing, and playing various sports. I'm a lead paddler for our dragon boat team and always enjoy training (pregnant or not!) for those races as well. Unless a women's doctor cautions against it, there's no reason why an expectant mother cannot continue her regular exercise routine. I believe eating right and maintaining my fitness has been a contributing factor to the relatively smooth and uncomplicated deliveries I have been blessed with.
How did pregnancy and having children change the way you run?
Beside changing my actual body mechanics and the level of intensity I run as the baby grows and develops, the most obvious thing is that now I run with my little ones in tow!
I also keep my goals realistic. Since I've become a mother, my mantra has been, "Do a few things, and do them well." There's nothing that brings more joy to my heart than being a mother, and that is what I've chosen to focus my time and energy and talents on. My family and the well-being of my children always come first. So, at least at this time in my life as I am still in the thick of raising many little ones, I am not devoting a ton of time into running, and with that being the case, I also realize that I'm not going to be up on any podiums any time soon!
I run for fun. I run for health. And my goal is simple: to keep moving with my children.
I've always been an outdoorsy person and enjoyed the occasional run but didn't really start running or training regularly until 2013 after my 6th child was born and was looking for a way to stay both physically and mentally healthy and well-balanced.
What records do you hold?
My little team (my three youngest children) and I are Guinness world record holders for running the fastest half marathon while pushing a triple stroller, and also for running the fastest (full) marathon while pushing a triple stroller--the first to ever to brave such an adventurous attempt! After the first two races we went out for a third triple run at the Billings, Montana race in order to help raise funds for the disaster relief efforts in 2017 and ended up breaking our previous half-marathon time by three minutes, so we have actually been awarded a total of three world records for our triple-stroller runs.
Did you run throughout your pregnancies?
I have always tried to maintain a strong and healthy body throughout each of my pregnancies, not just for myself but for the health of the baby. So, with each pregnancy I have continued to run and be active and exercise as my body would allow, along with eating healthy and nutritious foods. While the intensity of my workouts always tends to soften as the pregnancy progresses, it still feels great to move and get my heart pumping, even in the last trimester. I try to stay in tune with my body and if something ever feels like it's too much, I simply back off. During my pregnancies I find myself doing a lot of cross-training (which usually still includes my children!), such as walking, biking, swimming, hiking, dancing, and playing various sports. I'm a lead paddler for our dragon boat team and always enjoy training (pregnant or not!) for those races as well. Unless a women's doctor cautions against it, there's no reason why an expectant mother cannot continue her regular exercise routine. I believe eating right and maintaining my fitness has been a contributing factor to the relatively smooth and uncomplicated deliveries I have been blessed with.
How did pregnancy and having children change the way you run?
Beside changing my actual body mechanics and the level of intensity I run as the baby grows and develops, the most obvious thing is that now I run with my little ones in tow!
I also keep my goals realistic. Since I've become a mother, my mantra has been, "Do a few things, and do them well." There's nothing that brings more joy to my heart than being a mother, and that is what I've chosen to focus my time and energy and talents on. My family and the well-being of my children always come first. So, at least at this time in my life as I am still in the thick of raising many little ones, I am not devoting a ton of time into running, and with that being the case, I also realize that I'm not going to be up on any podiums any time soon!
I run for fun. I run for health. And my goal is simple: to keep moving with my children.

Why do you like to stroller run?
I love the company of my children and love knowing that they are getting the same benefits I do by being out in nature, breathing the fresh air, getting exercise (we usually stop and play at a park somewhere), and of course I love the bonding that happens just from being together. I began stroller running out of necessity, but I fell in love with it and has now become my preferred method of training. To me, the only thing that makes a good run better is being able to bring my children along with me!
Did any of your kids ever hate the stroller?
In all the runs we've been on together I cannot recall there ever being a time when my kids didn't enjoy the ride. There has been a couple of times when my nursing baby has needed to feed, and I pulled over and fed her until she was ready to go again; or the kids seemed ready to go home so I simply finished the run a little sooner.
What do your kids usually do while riding?
We chat and sing songs and play games like 'I spy with my little eye', but the kids mostly just sit back and relax as they take in all the sights and sounds and smells. The stroller rides often put my children to sleep so they nap while I get my workout in; definitely a win-win situation. During long runs, including races, I pack drinks and snacks, books, fidget spinners, bubbles, play-dough, rattles, and other miscellaneous toys to keep them entertained if they get bored.
What's the funniest thing that's ever happened on a stroller run?
During our Guinness record attempt at the Missoula, MT marathon we were several miles into the race when my two-year-old little monkey decided to wiggle his way out of his belt and was standing straight up as we made our way down Mullan road. He had the biggest grin on his face as the wind blew through his hair and he waved and said hello to all the passing runners, who of course all got a kick out of it!
What possessed you to purchase a triple stroller?
I had already been training with a double stroller for a while, so when I became pregnant with a new little one I naturally wanted to include her on our fun adventures, so we upgraded to a triple stroller. I wanted to keep running, and I wanted to keep my little team with me! Need a triple yourself? Here's the one she's got!
What are some traits you hope to pass down to your children?
I hope that through my example they will work to develop their own mental strength and positive outlook on life, and gain a "No excuses, I can do hard things!" mentality, as well as strive to develop their own faith and personal relationship with God. Because I believe when we are teamed up with God, nothing is impossible.
What made you decide to enter a marathon with a triple stroller?
I had been training with my children all along, they had been with me over the rocky paths and the smooth; during the uphills and the downhills, so when I decided I wanted to take on the marathon challenge I thought, "How could I leave them out at the culmination of my efforts? I want them there with me when I cross the finish line too!"
Around that same time I heard about a mom breaking the world record for the fastest half-marathon while pushing a single stroller. I half-jokingly thought, 'she did it with one child ... why not three?!' With much encouragement from family and friends I sent in an application to Guinness World Records and began preparing for the challenge ahead.
Tell me about the feelings you had when you set the world record for the marathon with a triple stroller!
It was such a surreal moment I will never forget it. I was flooded with feelings of excitement, relief, joy, and disbelief when we crossed that finish line and they placed medals around each of our necks, and I realized we had actually achieved our goal. Guinness set the qualifying time to run the 26.2 miles at 4:30:00, and we came in at 4:25:37.
I love the company of my children and love knowing that they are getting the same benefits I do by being out in nature, breathing the fresh air, getting exercise (we usually stop and play at a park somewhere), and of course I love the bonding that happens just from being together. I began stroller running out of necessity, but I fell in love with it and has now become my preferred method of training. To me, the only thing that makes a good run better is being able to bring my children along with me!
Did any of your kids ever hate the stroller?
In all the runs we've been on together I cannot recall there ever being a time when my kids didn't enjoy the ride. There has been a couple of times when my nursing baby has needed to feed, and I pulled over and fed her until she was ready to go again; or the kids seemed ready to go home so I simply finished the run a little sooner.
What do your kids usually do while riding?
We chat and sing songs and play games like 'I spy with my little eye', but the kids mostly just sit back and relax as they take in all the sights and sounds and smells. The stroller rides often put my children to sleep so they nap while I get my workout in; definitely a win-win situation. During long runs, including races, I pack drinks and snacks, books, fidget spinners, bubbles, play-dough, rattles, and other miscellaneous toys to keep them entertained if they get bored.
What's the funniest thing that's ever happened on a stroller run?
During our Guinness record attempt at the Missoula, MT marathon we were several miles into the race when my two-year-old little monkey decided to wiggle his way out of his belt and was standing straight up as we made our way down Mullan road. He had the biggest grin on his face as the wind blew through his hair and he waved and said hello to all the passing runners, who of course all got a kick out of it!
What possessed you to purchase a triple stroller?
I had already been training with a double stroller for a while, so when I became pregnant with a new little one I naturally wanted to include her on our fun adventures, so we upgraded to a triple stroller. I wanted to keep running, and I wanted to keep my little team with me! Need a triple yourself? Here's the one she's got!
What are some traits you hope to pass down to your children?
I hope that through my example they will work to develop their own mental strength and positive outlook on life, and gain a "No excuses, I can do hard things!" mentality, as well as strive to develop their own faith and personal relationship with God. Because I believe when we are teamed up with God, nothing is impossible.
What made you decide to enter a marathon with a triple stroller?
I had been training with my children all along, they had been with me over the rocky paths and the smooth; during the uphills and the downhills, so when I decided I wanted to take on the marathon challenge I thought, "How could I leave them out at the culmination of my efforts? I want them there with me when I cross the finish line too!"
Around that same time I heard about a mom breaking the world record for the fastest half-marathon while pushing a single stroller. I half-jokingly thought, 'she did it with one child ... why not three?!' With much encouragement from family and friends I sent in an application to Guinness World Records and began preparing for the challenge ahead.
Tell me about the feelings you had when you set the world record for the marathon with a triple stroller!
It was such a surreal moment I will never forget it. I was flooded with feelings of excitement, relief, joy, and disbelief when we crossed that finish line and they placed medals around each of our necks, and I realized we had actually achieved our goal. Guinness set the qualifying time to run the 26.2 miles at 4:30:00, and we came in at 4:25:37.
Do your kids realize that you're really cool?
Hahaha. Well I don't know if I'd say I was cool. My teens would certainly say otherwise (especially when they see me dance ;) ). But I do like to have fun with this crazy adventure we call 'Life' and mix things up every once in a while. I never want to look back with regret and think, "I should've, I could've, or I would've."
What is your must-have running gear?
Shoes! That's what I love about running. Its pure simplicity.
Why do you run?
I love the sport of running. I love being in nature and getting to explore and experience the beauty of the world around me on a more intimate level. I love how it quiets my mind, brings me closer to nature and God, and for the healthy and natural release of stress it provides. I love the sense of growth and accomplishment I feel after I’ve worked hard and have succeeded in achieving my goals. And I love the individuality of the sport, but also the sense of camaraderie and support I feel from the running community as we share this common interest.
Do you cross train?
As answered in a previous question, I love to walk, swim, hike, bike, dance, paddle, and practice various sports such as soccer. I always try to work in some strength training as well since this is an important part of a balanced exercise regimen, and love to include my kids for extra resistance! We've created our own workout routine, doing exercises such as "kid-planks," "kisses n' crunches," and "bench buddies." We have all sorts of fun.
You're pregnant now (#9!), are you running these days?
I was really sick at the beginning of this pregnancy so I wasn't able to do much running at all. Now that I'm almost to the half-way mark in the pregnancy and am feeling much better I have started to include more running into my routine.
Will you ever run with FOUR?
If I can actually find a stroller which would accommodate such a venture, I could see myself running with my four youngest children ... even if it was just for kicks, lol. (Come on @bobgearus...)
Hahaha. Well I don't know if I'd say I was cool. My teens would certainly say otherwise (especially when they see me dance ;) ). But I do like to have fun with this crazy adventure we call 'Life' and mix things up every once in a while. I never want to look back with regret and think, "I should've, I could've, or I would've."
What is your must-have running gear?
Shoes! That's what I love about running. Its pure simplicity.
Why do you run?
I love the sport of running. I love being in nature and getting to explore and experience the beauty of the world around me on a more intimate level. I love how it quiets my mind, brings me closer to nature and God, and for the healthy and natural release of stress it provides. I love the sense of growth and accomplishment I feel after I’ve worked hard and have succeeded in achieving my goals. And I love the individuality of the sport, but also the sense of camaraderie and support I feel from the running community as we share this common interest.
Do you cross train?
As answered in a previous question, I love to walk, swim, hike, bike, dance, paddle, and practice various sports such as soccer. I always try to work in some strength training as well since this is an important part of a balanced exercise regimen, and love to include my kids for extra resistance! We've created our own workout routine, doing exercises such as "kid-planks," "kisses n' crunches," and "bench buddies." We have all sorts of fun.
You're pregnant now (#9!), are you running these days?
I was really sick at the beginning of this pregnancy so I wasn't able to do much running at all. Now that I'm almost to the half-way mark in the pregnancy and am feeling much better I have started to include more running into my routine.
Will you ever run with FOUR?
If I can actually find a stroller which would accommodate such a venture, I could see myself running with my four youngest children ... even if it was just for kicks, lol. (Come on @bobgearus...)

What is your BEST stroller running memory?
We have so many great memories together, but I've got to say the best stroller running memory is the day my little team and I crossed the finish line at the Missoula Montana marathon, earning us the Guinness World Record. That definitely tops them all.
What is your advice for fellow running mamas?
Here are some thoughts which were inspired from last year's running adventures:
We have so many great memories together, but I've got to say the best stroller running memory is the day my little team and I crossed the finish line at the Missoula Montana marathon, earning us the Guinness World Record. That definitely tops them all.
What is your advice for fellow running mamas?
Here are some thoughts which were inspired from last year's running adventures:
- Whatever your goal is, start your path in simple ways. Assess where you’re at and then do a little bit more. Just do a little bit more today than you did yesterday.
- Anticipate roadblocks. Don’t let them stop you. Climb over them, around them, under them, or break right through them. And keep moving forward. They are part of the challenge and journey, and only make us stronger.
- Just as we must exercise to develop muscular strength we must work to develop our mental strength. It doesn't come for free. It takes time and effort and practice. We do this by stepping out of our comfort zone. And by doing things that stretch us, and maybe even scare us a little bit.
- Remember to have fun! For most of us running is an elective activity, we are not professionals where our livelihoods depend upon our success. So enjoy the journey! And if you enjoy bringing your littles along for the ride, then great! But don't feel guilty if you prefer to go solo--what works for one person, doesn't necessarily work for another.
- When we've come to a point where we think we have reached our limit and can't do any more, we've only accomplished a fraction of what we are capable of doing. So stretch yourself and Keep. On. Reaching!

All photos courtesy of Theresa Maria Pitts
Thank you again, Theresa for taking the time to chat with me and share your story. What an inspiration! If you weren't feeling like getting out on the road today, I bet you do now!
You can follow Theresa on Instagram and Facebook. You can also read more about her in this interview.
You can follow Theresa on Instagram and Facebook. You can also read more about her in this interview.