After taking a much needed 6 week blogging break I just HAD to pop back in to make one last post in 2015! Thanks for hanging out with me on Facebook and Instagram over the holidays! 2016 been an amazing year! My family has moved, made some new amazing friends, accomplished so many of our goals and are so ready to springboard into another awesome new year! Since we last talked, we've had a blast hosting our very first Thanksgiving (with a table of 11!), wrapping up the year with recruiting and holiday themed fitness classes and road tripping to Colorado for a nice long Christmas vacation! Being with family over Christmas has been absolutely amazing, especially now that there are little kids in the picture! My sister has a daughter just a bit younger than Little M and having those cousins together for Christmas was just priceless! It felt so good to be in Colorado for a while - feel that COLD winter air, play in the snow and of course get some really good runs in! I sure do miss running in Colorado!
I know Christmas has come and gone and we're all done thinking about gifts for a while, but I just had to share a couple of the awesome running related gifts my family got me this year! They sure know me well!
I've got lots to be excited about in the coming weeks (and year!) Here are a few things I'm most looking forward to!
- Getting my new 2016 planner! I chose THIS ONE from Plum Paper Designs. I'm super picky about planners (and a TOTAL nerd about it) and I always end up defaulting to an old version I've used since HIGH SCHOOL! So this is a big leap for me but I'm practically giddy about it! It should be sitting in my mailbox when I get home! I'll be sure to share more about it once I get it filled up and put to good use!
- Setting New Years Resolutions! I love sitting down with a mug of coffee and reflecting on the previous year, and setting some goals and making some dreams for the next!
- Kicking off my first ever e-course with my biz buddy/gal pal Megan Hogan! We're hosting "Get it Together 2016" in a few weeks and I'm absolutely pumped for it! I'll post more about it soon, but what you really need to know is that it's free, you can sign up for it HERE, and you DON'T want to start 2016 without it! It's going to be a blast!
Have a happy New Year! I'll talk to you again soon!!!
More ways to connect with Home Field Fitness:
- Facebook: Home Field Fitness
- Instagram: homefieldfitness
- Twitter: homefieldfit
- Pinterest: alyssafitcoach